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Construction (May-June 2001)
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outer stems
and Fibreglassing
Laminated inner and outer stems after steam bending. It took 3
tries out of the kettle-and-tube steamer before I got quick enough to
bend the stem pieces all the way around the form.
Installing the inner stem on the
mold. Stems were held in place with large
elastics made from truck tire innertubes. Next
time I would be more careful about where I place the bolts
through the form because two got in the way when I was stripping.
The same goes for the cleats on either side of the bottom of the stem
mold. They extended too far out and had to be carefully chiseled
away to make room for the short strips near the tip.
Grouping cedar strips according to colours. Next
time I will remove ALL the strips from the tube and sort
them. I sorted each bundle of 20 as I worked. I would have
had more options had I taken the time to sort through all of them at the
First strip.
Next time I would make sure
the 'L' shaped brackets are more secure. They became looser as the
project progressed. It probably didn't change anything once a
number of strips were in place but better to be safe.
Four strips. Next time do not put the
rubber bands (cut inner tubes) on so tight. There was too much
pressure on the strips forcing them to 'zig-zag' one over the
other. They need to be firmly held together for glueing, not
tightly clamped.
Pegboard hooks to hold rubber bands made from truck inner tubes. Next
time I would use the same system. The pegs could be easily
moved around the molds to achieve the correct positioning and tension
for the rubber bands. I first envisioned using long bolts but that
would have been tiresome moving them around or require many more.
Stripped to the waterline. Next time I
would be more diligent wiping up the glue inside and out.
Nevertheless, I got better at it as the stripping progressed.
Coming around the bilge. This was the most difficult part of
stripping as each piece had to bend and twist. I am now beginning
to use the shorter White cedar strips.
Now stripping just one side.
Cut the
Closing the hull.
Installing the outer stem. Next time I
would glue up the outer stems the same way. The rubber bands
worked very well for this part.
Scraped and sanded silky smooth. Next time
I would be less meticulous on the sanding job. It doesn't need to
be perfectly smooth. The fibreglass/epoxy covers up quite a few
imperfections. The same goes for small gaps between strips.
I spent hours trying to fill every little gap but discovered after
fibreglassing that the epoxy flows between and they are virtually
fibreglassed. Thanks go to Ross for being my mixer on the
wet-out coat. I really did NOT enjoy the fibreglassing part of the
project. Next time take more time to be
more meticulous about the entire application process, and squeegee
sooner rather than later.
Harness for holding hull upright. Next time
put a little more effort into it. It was tight and ended up
leaving small indentations on the side of the hull. Other than
that it worked well. The boat could be tilted to a 45 degree angle
making it easier to work on the inside.
My first good look on the inside revealed lots of glue to be scraped, especially where
the molds meet the hull.
About half the scrapings from the inside. Next
time sharpen that paint scraper after every couple of minutes'
Inside fibreglassing was a nightmare! I did a poor job and ended
up with numerous large and small air bubbles and creases. I used a
syringe from a nearby vet to inject
epoxy into the smaller air bubbles. Where there were larger air
bubbles I sanded the glass down to the wood and reapplied cloth and
epoxy. Next time more patience, mix
smaller epoxy batches and consider vacuum bagging?
One inch hole drilled into hull for painter hole. Next
time be more careful with the drill. Also, use a bit that
is slightly smaller than the size of hole desired. Then hand sand
to fit the plugs. The lower the painter hole the more stable the
canoe when lining. So I installed the painter hole just above the
waterline to maximize stability but not interfere with the hydrodynamic
Studs drilled out for painter holes, as descibed by John
Drilled studs installed as painter holes (but not yet cut flush with the
hull). Next time take more care to ensure
the grain on the plugs is running parallel to the strips. Not a
major problem but it would have looked nicer had I done so.
In order to further reduce the total weight of the canoe I decided to
use a single gunwhale made of Sitka Spruce. A 1/4+ inch groove was
cut down the centre of the 3/4 inch side of the gunwhale using a router. I got the
idea for this gunwhale system from Jay Morrison, who used it on his
Bob's Special. Next time I would probably do
the same again, though only time will tell if this system is
sufficiently strong. I don't know if it would work with hardwood.
time I wouldn't bother using a table saw for the initial groove cut. I was concerned the router would be too 'wild' and hack up
the wood. So I used a table saw first. It was a waste of
time because the router worked fine with the jig on it.
The one-piece gunwhale was then fitted on top of the sheerline strips
and epoxied in place and held firmly with duct tape until dry.
time don't be in such a hurry and be more careful with the
dry-fitting - I cracked one of the gunnels when removing it. This
should really be done with two people.
Both gunwhales installed. The bottom of the gunwhale, on the
inside only, has a fillet joint of epoxy/sawdust for extra strength.
Next time get the fillet nice and smooth
the first time. They get pretty hard to sand so a nice neat
application would make things easier.
Rough cutouts of Sitka Spruce decks.
Rough fitting of decks.