Return to: Home Page Canoeing Pages Routes and Photos Cedarstrip Project Carving a Yoke (23/03/01)
I began with a yoke pattern
posted on the web (can't find it anymore). But it didn't seem to suit my body shape so I used the
pattern as a template for drawing a modified pattern. It did help because
I am terrible at drawing freehand. I changed the size and shape of the
shoulder dish and neck hollow for a custom fit. There was big knot on one end but if the
canoe comes out a
Unfortunately, I didn't keep a record of the time I spent making it. I couldn't even begin to guess! I am meticulous and maybe take longer than most people would. It wasn't all that difficult but patience certainly helped. I bought two blocks of Sitka Spruce for about $20.00. The longer bloc gave me this yoke and all the pieces for two seats. The second smaller bloc will be used for the decks. In order to maximise my weight savings I am using Sitka Spruce for all the trim: gunwhales, decks, seats, yoke, and stems (except for White Cedar inner stems - and that only because I don't have enough long pieces of Sitka Spruce). Postscript (Oct. 2004): The yoke was originally joined to the
gunwhales by a small mortise and tenon joint but a small |