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Temagami: Obabika - Chee-skon-abikong - Bob - Diamond - Wakimika - Obabika Lakes (September 16-18, 2004)
(Click on photos to enlarge)
I've talked at length about parts of this route before and most of it is described as part of Hap Wilson's Route No.6 in his book "Temagami Canoe Routes." So I'll include some pictures this time but keep my comments short.
I decided to do this loop trip prior to Alex Mathius' annual Change of Seasons Fall Gathering near his home on Obabika Lake. I started the trip from his home on Obabika River after driving up the logging roads and his extremely long gated driveway (the old Red Squirrel logging road). It was a 7 hour drive from Toronto and three hours of that on rough dirt roads that, on the way back, finished off my old beater car. But that's another story...
Thursday: Obabika, Chee-skon-abikong, and Bob
From Alex's home I paddled north on Obabika to the site of the Fall Gathering and the portage to Chee-skon-abikong Lake and the trails to the old-growth forest and Spirit Rock. Alex and Ed seemed to have their preparations well in hand so I started my trip on Thursday about noon and hoped to be back in time for the ceremonies on Saturday (unfortunately I ended up arriving about an hour late after a slow start Saturday morning).
is not only one of the most beautiful little lakes it is also the home of the
Spirit Rock, a sacred native site.
I stayed on Chee-skon-abikong for an
extended lunch to absorb the beauty before heading toward Bob Lake where I planned to
camp in order to keep to my schedule. Before leaving I was sitting at the
campsite opposite the Spirit Rock and a long lost memory popped into my
head. When I was a child, maybe 6 or 7, I remember my Dad coming home with a new
red fibreglass canoe. It suddenly appeared in the back garden and my sisters and
I ran out to take a look. I jumped in right away and my Dad said to me,
"Don't get in a canoe while it is on land, only when it is in the
water." "Why Daddy?" I asked, as kids do. "Because you can
damage the hull on the hard ground," he replied. That was my first lesson
in canoe etiquette. Obviously at that age I wasn't heavy enough to do any damage
but I think he was preparing me for a lifelong love of canoeing. I don't know why that long lost memory came back to me just
then. But who knows what powers the Spirit Rock hold.
Friday: Bob, Diamond, and Wakimika
paddle down Diamond was nice and liesurely. I stopped at a stream empting Small
Lake into Diamond. I am always attracted to moving water - even if its too small
to get a canoe down.
walked the short portage beside the pretty little stream
to take a look at the small lake. It looked so peaceful.
Next time I think I might try the Small Lake route into Diamond, even though the
portages have been described as more difficult.
West end of Diamond Lake, from where it narrows to the portage, is the prettiest
part. First you come across an esker island of smooth round stones left over
from the iceage. There are some nice campsites at this end of the lake. A little
further down is this prominent rock cleavage splitting the land and just big
enough to get a canoe in. I saw a Bald Eagle flying above here.
portage from Diamond is reached through this narrow channel.
portage takes you into pretty little Lain Lake and then another
portage into Wakimika Lake.
The north end of Wakimika has a huge beach and a
good campsite.
was blessed with a beautiful Wakimika beach sunset .
Saturday: Wakimika - Wakimka River - Obabika
beautiful day for a paddle down the quiet little winding Wakimika River. Halfway down it opens
up into a little pond/marsh where I invaded the privacy of these Canada Geese.
These next pictures were taken over the next couple of days during the Gathering.